Being transformed by the character of God through a growing knowledge of His Word and theology.



Studies at Citypoint Church are intended to help the saints become more like Jesus and be better equipped for the mission.

Our desire is to make the Bible and theology accessible for everyone through active and transformative learning environments within our local church.

For more information about Studies, see the FAQs below





  • Studies are a crucial part of the spiritual formation for people at Citypoint Church.

    Our Studies will fall into one of 3 intentional categories designed for maximum engagement and effectiveness.

    Christian Scripture - We study a particular theme or book of the Bible.

    Christian Beliefs - We study a theological/doctrinal reality foundational to the life of the Church and the believer.

    Christian Living - We study a topic or Christian help book that will bring application to our everyday context. (marriage, parenting, etc…)

  • We’re so excited you are desiring to take your next step. Your first “next step” will be to attend a Consider meeting. Consider provides you the opportunity to learn how to join us in our rhythms of life here at Citypoint.

    Our typical rhythm is to launch new studies in November and May.

  • Each Studies season lasts 4-6 weeks. We currently have 2 seasons, fall and spring. Studies begin after the conclusion of a Life Groups season.

    Currently, Studies do not meet outside of these 2 designated seasons.

  • Childcare is not always provided in every season of Studies.

    That being the case, in a season where it is provided, there may be additional cost for families that will be needing it.

  • There is often a very minimal cost for Studies, just to cover the cost of the materials.

    Childcare is not always provided for our Studies season, but if it is available, there my be an additional cost for families that will be needing it.